Category: Uncategorized

Pinterest & Instagram for Mental Health & Faith Building – Part 3

Pinterest & Instagram f..

Over the last two posts you learned the basics and those curious learned how I use these tools for my mental health. Now we’re diving into areas of faith. Part 1 While many of us gladly proclaim our expertise using Pinterest and Instagram, many people still shy away from these social media platforms. Whether the […]

Posted May 15, 2018
Pinterest & Instagram for Mental Health & Faith Building – Part 2

Pinterest & Instagram f..

Our prayer life and mental health tend to be two topics most people ignore or simply don’t know how to address. There is so much information out there, so how do we use this to our advantage? Easy, use Instagram and Pinterest to help navigate your pressing concerns. We discussed the basics, now we are […]

Posted April 12, 2018
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Pinterest & Instagram for Mental Health & Faith Building – Part 1

Pinterest & Instagram f..

Our prayer life and mental health tend to be two topics most people ignore or simply don’t know how to address. There is so much information out there, so how do we use this to our advantage? Easy, use Instagram and Pinterest to help navigate your pressing concerns. Over the next three posts, we’ll discuss […]

Posted April 4, 2018
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HoustonStrong & Donations

HoustonStrong & Donatio..

Now with Irma wreaking havoc, one might wonder why it took so long to create this post. While God fortunately, blessed me during this time of need, my stress levels boiled over forcing me to focus on myself. Thankfully, I am safe, including my immediate family, but strangers and close friends suffered major losses due […]

Posted September 10, 2017
Rise Above the Pain: Part II

Rise Above the Pain: Part II

Protecting our hearts, minds, and souls after being hurt by a person close to us requires a lot of forethought. In my previous post, we talked about what God asked of us. Today, we will discuss how to use a few tools to help you heal, while maintaining the dignity and respect required of us. […]

Posted August 19, 2017
Rise Above the Pain Part 1

Rise Above the Pain Part 1

What ran through your heart and mind when wounded by someone close to you? If someone were to hurt you deeply, scar you even… could you turn the other cheek? In fact, what does that even mean? Today’s popular culture, many would attest the meaning of “turn the other one to him as well,” as […]

Posted August 11, 2017
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A Prayer For My Husband

A Prayer For My Husband

A Prayer for My Husband – #amendoncakindofknight Dios, En este día tan especial, Give me the honor Of your blessing for Clint Keep him strong When  he feels weak Lift him up When he is down Cover him with your graces. Let my love, Guide him to the light Y ayudame ser una esposa de […]

Posted July 22, 2017
Saving Prayer

Saving Prayer

My soul hurts. There is so much evil at times; darkness is hidden in every corner. Yet, somehow we linger and struggle, continuing through this adversity. Thus, the saving prayer unraveled itself in my mind one Tuesday night long ago. Whenever you learn of the horrors of the world and know there are strangers, no, […]

Posted March 21, 2017
Relationship with God Prayer

Relationship with God Prayer

One of the curious things about God is our relationship to him. There are many thoughts on this, including Matt Walsh’s salty take on the idea that our relationship with God is verbiage used to avoid accepting the sins we are unabashedly proud of, no matter the consequences. While, he does speak briefly on the […]

Posted December 11, 2016
Night Time Prayer for Grown Ups

Night Time Prayer for Grown ..

Growing up, one of my favorite prayers as a little girl included a traditional prayer to guardian angels. Somewhere in my closet the old picture remains, however as the picture frame centered on a little girl and a “younger female angel” it no longer connected with me. I began to associate it with prayers for […]

Posted October 31, 2016
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Just Breathe

Just Breathe

In the hustle of this new century, there is little time to do much of anything. Little time to be with friends. Little to no time to take care of one’s own needs. Little time to even breathe, much less pray. Trutfully, how does such a thing happen? Are we merely running in circles, or […]

Posted October 10, 2016
Kiva Giving

Kiva Giving

On May 22, my then boyfriend, now fiancee did the most amazing thing for me. He donated upwards to $700 in my name to a charity organization called Kiva. The next day I went donated an additional $75 dollars on my own to various individuals. Now this may seem silly to you, but him giving […]

Posted July 21, 2016