May has been busy. Busier than I like, to be frank, which means updates for you! So what has kept me so busy? What have I been doing? And finally, what can you expect next?
As a semi essential worker, I occasionally worked from campus. Usually it was one day, though there were certain weeks I worked three to five days. (Work from home though-that’s a different story.) It all depended on that week’s schedule and my main to do list. Like my readers, finding that home/work balance became stressful. My main challenge was dealing with the migraines my work laptop gave me after staring at it for several hours.
Most importantly, I had to pack up my office as I’m being transferred to a new campus. All of that stuff had to go somewhere and as I haven’t had the best luck with movers who work with educators, I decided to take all my items home. Currently, my house looks more like a storage facility than a home. I’m hoping that won’t last too long.
Due to work, I’m in between many novels and nonfiction books. I have finished two, which I plan on reviewing. When I continue looking at my to-read list with all those kindle purchases from who knows when, I’m disappointed in the vast New Adult collection. My tastes have changed, but my money hasn’t.
So I’m reading those books, but hoping to find a gem here and there, while plucking out other novels to help me get through my to-read pile.
On Writing
It’s been a great time for creativity and I’ve found a new energy for writing, but sadly my creative coloring side hasn’t found pleasure in picking up a colored pencil. I definitely plan on changing that this weekend.
My writing is all over the place, notes in spiral notebooks, index cards, just about everywhere. Currently, I’m working on a fantasy novel as the romance I was writing, I had to shelve for the time being. I love a good romance, but to write one well…that’s the tricky part. Even for me.
In Conclusion…

I’m well. I’ve been busy doing mostly work related stuff this month. Although May is about to end, I do want to remind you that it is Mental Health Awareness Month. It’s a conversation that should continue long after the month of May. If you want a great resource the National Alliance of Mental Illness is a great resource. Be sure to check it out!
That’s it for now! Can’t wait for us to meet again.