HoustonStrong & Donations

Posted September 10, 2017 by Graceful Serendipity in Uncategorized / 0 Comments

Now with Irma wreaking havoc, one might wonder why it took so long to create this post. While God fortunately, blessed me during this time of need, my stress levels boiled over forcing me to focus on myself. Thankfully, I am safe, including my immediate family, but strangers and close friends suffered major losses due to Harvey.

The Beauty of Houston

One of the many beautiful moments from these events occurred when the entire city helped everyone in what little way they could. Lines of people waited to volunteer their time and talent. Sadly, people gave their lives to help save others too.

One of the many ways in which the citizens of Houston gave back to the community was through their wealth. People from Houston and Texas gave in small and large amounts, giving back to the place they called home.

How to Give to Houston & After Other National Disasters

Sadly, many organizations claiming to want to give money end up pocketing more than using the wealth to help those in need. Several articles detail how the Red Cross lost its trust among the people. Knowing how badly the Red Cross operates, you may feel disappointed. (This is true especially for those who lack time and individuals whose talents may not be beneficial for this event.) Imagine, the disappointment many felt after learning their favorite celebrities gave to the Red Cross.

Ah, but thankfully we now know better. It’s normal for Christians to want to give, which is why I created this post for you.

Research first, then Remember Local is Best

The best place to give is always local. Expect a plethora of chairties to surface, but the safest action to embrace during times of disaster involves your skepticism. Perhaps that new chairty is legitimate, but without a formal track record or history to corroborate their claims, ignore such organizations for now. If they happen to be genuine, their time and good faith effort shall be revealed at a later date.

Unfortunately, many people take advantage of those wishing to give. This requires us to be vigilant and trust only reputable organizations.

Secondly, well known local organizations have the infrastructure to deliver goods or services. These groups avoid large delivery fees and other hassels that outside organizations contend with during a crisis. Their built in knowledge of the local community makes them a unique resource to immediately help those nearst to them.

When other organizations struggled to arrive to Houston  and other disaster areas, local organizations mobilized to help these areas in need. When places such as Chick Fil A, Whataburger, and HEB help locals, then it becomes prudent of us to investigate the chairities that ask us for money.

One should always give, but being smart about it means you are ensuring your money goes where it needs to be.

My Recommendations for Houston

If you want to give to local Texas organizations, these three places recieved my trust.

  1. Houston Food Bank
  2. JJ Watt Foundation
  3. Fort Bend Chamber of Commerce

I hope this helped you tremendously when wanting to donate either now or post Harvey.

During times like this we must stick together. Please keep Texas and Florida in your prayers. Thank you!



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