Saving Prayer

Posted March 21, 2017 by Graceful Serendipity in Uncategorized / 0 Comments

My soul hurts. There is so much evil at times; darkness is hidden in every corner. Yet, somehow we linger and struggle, continuing through this adversity. Thus, the saving prayer unraveled itself in my mind one Tuesday night long ago.

Whenever you learn of the horrors of the world and know there are strangers, no, souls out there suffering we must pray. Some may say, actions brings change not private mental thoughts. Indeed, what we focus upon can bring great joy or great sorrow into our lives. However, I know true horror exists.

I need only to look at the news and hear of trafficking, murders, and other ills, to confirm these dark thoughts. I wrote this prayer a few months ago. There never seemed to be time to publish it and indeed tonight, I wanted to sleep, but I learned of one more harrowing story and knew I could not keep it bottled up any longer. We as Catholics, as Christians, must pray and do our part to help people, no matter how small or great our contribution is. I feel my prayer is simply a small drop of water within the ocean, but I believe each drop is necessary for the ocean to be whole.

So, this is my prayer, directly to God. Asking that he shine light where it needs to be and save the lives of all those in need.


Saving Prayer

God, I am asking a great favor of you

Shine light on the darkest of places

Seek the innocent and vulnerable

to aid them to safety

Ask St. Michael to fight such unholy acts

With strength and valor on your behalf,

So the demons lurking may be dispersed

and victims are given justice

creating peace.

May the Ever Virgen Mary,

hold those precious souls,

As you seek Divine Justice

And set afire the wrongs

To cleanse the world

Of the darkest sins

hurting our brothers and sisters.




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